Joomla Vs. WordPress


I would say that Joomla was my first love. It was my first venture into really creating websites, it was amazing. I remember staying home with my newborn son, and learning Joomla while I was taking care of him. He slept a lot of the time so I was able to get quite a bit of learning in. I worked with Joomla for many years after that, and I still love working with Joomla. At some point It was necessary for me to learn WordPress, to keep myself in charge of a website I loved running . After a short learning curve, I began to see there were many advantages to WordPress. I've got to say the multisite was and still is one of my favorite things about WordPress. It was a great playground for learning the many different things you can do with a WordPress site. If you want to try something different, just create another site within the multisite. Awesome!!!! I still think Joomla is better at moving the site from one location to another. For that purpose I like to use Akeeba Backup. It may take a few trial runs to get used to it, but it can move or restore an entire website quickly. To move a WordPress website, I like to use Duplicator. Both are free.







   duplicator (150 x 224)






Both Joomla and WordPress install quickly and you can be up and running in a matter of minutes. I think WordPress has a better source of free an very flexible themes that can be found here . I found it a bit more difficult to find a free Joomla "template", that works as well. However, that could just be a lack on my part. There are thousands of paid themes or templates on both sides that work very well. Most of them usually cost less than $60.00.

Both have extensive library's of plugins, extensions and modules to expand their native capabilities. With a bit of work and research, you can make them do whatever you want. I guess it's really up to you to decide your favorite. I think Joomla and WordPress are  currently the two most popular CMS out there.